7 Jun 2009

Our homebrew handle


Ahoy thar!

This is the first of the posts about our equipment, in this case our camera handle, which we built a little while ago.

Constructed primarily from steel brackets, bolts, plastic zip ties and electrical tape, it’s actually considerably more sturdy than you’d expect.

Why build such a thing? Well, the answer is very simple – cameras these days are a lot smaller than those built just a few years ago. They’re also a lot lighter. This combination means that when we’re holding a camera in our hands, a LOT more of the shakiness from our hands is translated into the camera.

By adding the handle the shakiness is further away from the camera and allows for much smoother shots. It also means we can hold the camera in a variety of ways previously impossible. We also added a strap as the contraption gets a little tiring to hold after a while!

As for what it looks like, well check this test footage out:

We got the idea after watching this video over on YouTube, for any of you interested in building your own.


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